Local Talk Show Helps Ukrainian Cause — A&R Media


LOS ANGELESMarch 29, 2022Senmer — The recent events in Ukraine have had many American on the edges of their seats, worried and confused as to what is going to happen next. We have seen news stories with people fleeing with only the clothes on their back, but how can we help under such circumstances?

“Living Your Best Life with Rosalyn Kahn,” a talk show on Chow Entertainment KXLA that airs from 11-11:30 a.m. on Tuesdays, is helping locals come one step closer to helping during the Ukrainian crisis.

The showed that aired this morning, featured an interview that the host conducted with Fr. Vasile Sauciur, the head priest at St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Los Angeles. During the interview, Father talked about the struggles of parishioners in his community and things locals can do to assist during this time. “Locals can bring food, medical supplies, and clothing to our church located at 111 B Street for Ukrainian refugees,” Father said. “All help is greatly appreciated,” he added.

Today’s episode featured the Ukrainian center as well as some other guests. The theme of the show was helping others in order to live your best life. If you have ever thought about helping a cause, now is the time to assist the Ukrainian Center. For more information, visit http://st-volodymyr.com/


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Source: Local Talk Show Helps Ukrainian Cause — A&R Media