Many months after Brooke Castillo divorces husband Chris Castillo her students still ask why?…
LOS ANGELES – April 27, 2022 – Senmer — Brooke Castillo is a well-known life coach with a large following of students. She hosts several training workshops each year.
But when it surfaced that she was getting a divorce from husband Chris Castillo the rumor mill started to ignite.
Did the news cause shocked and disappointed students and clients to leave her fold?
But the big question that heated the forums was “Why?”
As a life coach, you work with clients to help them solve life’s challenges. Certainly, marriage fits in that ‘challenges’ category.
“So why did Brooke Castillo divorce her husband?”
In a public (podcast) response she said.
“Because I Want To.”
Okay, so we are not here to judge.
Instead, we want to emphasize the point we have been making for some time now.
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Source: Brooke Castillo Life Coach Gets A Divorce – Why? — YourHappyClients.Com