Flutin Live- The Ideal Platform For Boosting Businesses Through The Power Of Live Streaming — Flutin


AUSTIN, TexasMay 30, 2022Senmer — In the 21st century, no one can deny the power that the virtual world holds. In fact, when the world had to be confined within four walls due to the global pandemic, it was technology and the internet which emerged as the knight in shining armour. This growth further enhanced the live streaming industry and was quick to become a household phenomenon.

Today, live streaming is actually on track to leave behind traditional forms of entertainment. And businesses have been quick to adapt to this reality. Did you know that a whopping 54% of consumers are now willing to see more video content from brands? Did you also know that 67% of live stream viewers are more likely to turn into qualified leads for a business? If you own a business, there has never been a better time to join the bandwagon. And Flutin Live is where you’ll enjoy the best of all worlds.

Flutin Live started with the aim of becoming the go-to live streaming platform for content creators who deserve an opportunity to shine their lights on the world. Its massive growth soon enabled it to add intuitive features to its list and go above and beyond to help all people in every field strengthen their online presence. Today, Flutin Live has evolved as a powerful and leading live streaming platform for not just independent content creators but established artists as well as businesses to benefit from its list of innovative features.

If you own a business and are not live streaming yet, Flutin Live is the best place to start your journey.

To learn more: https://flutin.com/

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Source: Flutin Live- The Ideal Platform For Boosting Businesses Through The Power Of Live Streaming — Flutin