TVS Radio Network.Com Adds American Songs That Topped UK Charts to British Invasion Radio Channel — TVS Television Network

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Capehart Music Treasury provides the easy listening renditions of the top songs that graced the UK charts in the 1960’s and 1970’s via TVS Radio Network.Com on British Invasion Radio Channel on Spreaker, powered by iHeart Radio.


CANTIL, Calif.Aug. 27, 2022Senmer — TVS Radio Network.Com has added American songs that topped the UK Charts in the 1960’s and 1970’s to the British Invasion Channel on the Spreaker platform, powered by iHeart Radio. The songs are easy listening renditions produced by Capehart Music Treasury.

Capehart Music Treasury is a 2,000 song catalog of the top songs of the 20th Century produced in an easy listening format at TVS recording studios in Hollywood, Bakersfield, Reno, Las Vegas, New Orleans, and Atlanta. Capehart Music Treasury is a service of the TVS Music Guild, which is a division of TVS Global Media.

These British Invasion Radio Channel songs can also be heard on Spotify, Pandora, You Tube, and Napster. Collectors can download the songs on Amazon or Apple for about a dollar. CDs are available in retail stores, catalogs, and on a direct to consumer basis.

TVS Radio Network.Com is a 48 channel music service that showcases the 2,000 Capehart Music Treasuruy songs on various formats. Rock + Roll, Country, Jazz, Blues, Album Oriented Rock, Folk, Pop, Swing, Big Band, and Rockabilly are some of the genres produced for the Capehart Music Treasury catalog.

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Source: TVS Radio Network.Com Adds American Songs That Topped UK Charts to British Invasion Radio Channel — TVS Television Network