SocalGas and Landi Renzo USA Convert 200 Extra Field Trucks to Run on Green Energy — Biogas Purifier

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Landy Renzo’s president, Andrea Landi, made the announcement in September 2022. The announcement aims to convert 200 new Ford F-250 service pickup trucks to run on renewable natural gas, also known as RNG.


AHMEDABAD, IndiaOct. 31, 2022Senmer — An additional multi-billion dollar collaboration between SocalGas and Landi Renzo USA was announced in September 2022. The collaboration aims at converting 200 new Ford F-250 service pickup trucks to run on renewable natural gas that’s also known as RNG. Powered with ultra-modern Landi Renzo Eco Ready equipment which is a certified low-emission vehicle system approved by California Air Resource Board. The two giants partnered last year to convert these 200 trucks that would join the fleet very soon.

Biogas purification companies call this partnership a milestone in terms of achieving zero emission goals. Its resulting in the conversion of an additional 200 trucks is estimated to reduce approximately 2,000 metric tons of C02. Simply put, it is tantamount to eliminating no less than 1800 passenger vehicles from the roads of California for an entire year.

George K. Chen, the Mayor of Torrance welcomed this partnership and the move that would play a key role in Torrance achieving a sustainable future. The mayor also added that the City of Torrance is proud of the efforts of Landi Renzo and SocalGas.

Speaking on the occasion, Sandra Hrna (Vice President- Supply Chain & Operations at SocalGas) said that the key partnership with Landi Renzo will take our greenhouse emission control reduction efforts to another level. She also expressed her gratitude to Landi Renzo for bringing forward innovative technologies producing clean energy and decarbonizing the transportation sector quite significantly.

The president of Landi Renzo, Andrea Landi also expressed her excitement about the partnership. In addition, she said that SocalGas is helping us move towards a sustainable future which is the need of the hour. She also called the leadership of SocalGas commendable and it would certainly open a myriad of de-carbonization opportunities for the world.

Companies offering biogas to CNG plants ( say that RNG or renewable natural gas is the future. Capturing methane from these wide arrays of sources and its conversion into RNG will not only prevent greenhouse gas emissions from entering the atmosphere but also reduce the use of fossil fuels by a significant margin.

SocalGas aims at bringing a 100% zero-emission fleet on road by the year 2045. Besides, the company believes that both hydrogen and RNG will play a pivotal role in achieving the climate goals as well as delivering 20 percent renewable natural gas by the year 2030.

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Source: SocalGas and Landi Renzo USA Convert 200 Extra Field Trucks to Run on Green Energy — Biogas Purifier